The skin consists of epidermis, dermis and adnexal structures, which include hair follicles, sebaceous glands and eccrine and apocrine sweat glands. Bowen's disease of glans penis is termed erythroplasia of Queyrat. Bowen's disease of the nipple is associated with underlying ductal carcinoma. Dermatofibroma presents as a well-circumscribed reddish-brown nodule, which is firm to palpation due to abundant fibrous stroma. An epidermoid cyst appears as a slow-growing lump, which occasionally discharges or becomes infected and inflamed. Pilonidal sinus is seen as a chronically discharging skin infection that fails to clear despite courses of antibiotics. A neurofibroma is a benign tumour arising from neural tissue and supporting stromal cells. The lump is usually mobile, has no expansile cough impulse and may be made to transilluminate. The lump moves down with traction on the ipsilateral testis. Lumps arising from the body of the testis are tumours until proven otherwise.