Conditions affecting the colon, rectum and anus range from the trivial to the life-threatening. Typically, abdominal pain in colonic disorders is colicky. Visceral midgut pain is generally felt in the periumbilical region, while hindgut pain tends to lead to suprapubic discomfort. Colonoscopy involves using a flexible fibre-optic scope that is longer than the flexible sigmoidoscope and allows the whole of the colon to be inspected successfully by experienced operators in 90" of cases. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) detects minute quantities of energy released by hydrogen ions when they are forced to change direction by a strong magnetic field. Older patients or patients who present with sudden-onset constipation need urgent investigations including barium enema/colonoscopy to exclude underlying cancer or other serious pathology. Chronic megacolon is an abnormally dilated colon or rectum with loss of haustral pattern. Proctitis is an inflammation of the bowel similar to ulcerative colitis but inflammation is confined (initially) to the rectum and anal canal.