This chapter describes three sections: "Family, Language, and Nationhood"; "Literature for Children and Adults"; and "Music and Visual Culture". The Childhood of Pets as a Critique of Legal Classification Systems, pets in North America have recently been given a similar status as children within institutional settings, as evidenced by custody court cases, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) child adoption narratives, and cases of domestic violence. Children and Pets as Migrants in the Context of Contemporary International Mobility from Poland to Norway, the choice Polish families make to migrate to Norway with their pets often comes from their recognition of pets' significance within their families, particularly in their relationships with children. The chapter focuses on the figures of de-sexualized children and pets, and analyzes the role of pets in children's transition into adulthood and sexuality, a domain in which pets once again fulfill a utilitarian function in service to the human's development.