The Power Broker won a Pulitzer Prize as a biography of one of the most prolific and polarizing urban planners in American history, Robert Moses. Known as the “master builder,” his racist and elitist beliefs were evident in much of his work. Qualitative Data Analysis Software, became codified as a software genre in the late 1980s as researchers from Australia, Germany, and the United States began developing them independently. The Surrey Research Methods Conference was held at the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom in 1989, and this conference established a dialogue between developers and early users. Thomas Gieryn initially introduced the concept of boundary- work to describe the activity among scholars who purposefully attempted to demarcate science from non-science, although it has far-reaching implications beyond the debates about scientific research. Gieryn detailed the ways boundary-work was part of an ideological discourse that functioned to promote a public image by contrasting science with allegedly non-scientific activities.