As discussed in Chapter 1, the concept of salience has played a prominent role in the L2 literature as well as in a wide range of related disciplines. The goal of this volume was to take a broad view in order to get as full a picture as possible of how salience fits into current thinking. The chapters approach the topic from a variety of perspectives, included a range of L1s and L2s, and used innovative research methods. Position papers include a usage-based approach (Chapter 2: Ellis), an emergentist processing-based approach (Chapter 4: O’Grady, K. Kim and C.-E. Kim) and a generativist approach (Chapter 3: Lardiere). There are also review articles (Chapter 9: Leow & Martin; Chapter 8: McDonough & Trofimovich) as well as empirical studies, with some chapters falling into more than one of these categories.