YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.-The first annual meeting of the London Y oung Women's Christian Association was beld at the Finsbury Institute, 31, Finsbury Square, on May 27th, tbe Lord Mayor presiding. Tbe objeet of this orgauisation is to elevate the

. condition of the YOUllg women who are engaged in the sbops and warehouses of London; its agencies are Bible c1asses, library, seeular c1asses, and various means of recreation. Two hundred young women' have been enrolled as members, alld these bave eontributed their handiwork in furnishing a bazaar, the pl'oeeeds of which enabled tbe eommittee to make several long-nep,ded purchases. Tbe re port, whieh set forth in detail the first year's work of the assoeiation, having been read by thc Rev. R. C. Billing, viear of Spitalfields, tbe Rev. Canon Flerning drew attention to the inereased interest whicb bad of late years been shown in the moral, spiritual, soeial, and intelleetual status of wornen, and made an earnest appeal with a view of enabling such an institution to carry on its benefieent labours.