N ow, as 111. J ourdain talked pl'ose without knowing it, our lawgivers bave for eenturies, and still are enabJed to be, partial towards men und unjust towards women without suspeeting that seienee authorised them in this course. Gross injustiee in the division of pl'operty, in tbe laws of sueeession, in the power of restraint and cbastisement, in legal and politieal life bave always been the rule, beeause in olden time might made right, and men were the 8tronger. But now seienee renders them neeessary and logieal, beeause men bave more red globules and a bettel' kind of grapbie eurves. Seienee comes to re-inforee brute strength and tbe eombination 1s not to be commended. We are sometimes told that tbis 1s tbe age in whieh scienee is king, but there are fortunately stronger forees in tbe world than seieneethere is the sentiment of justiee, the aspiration after kllowiedge, the tenderness of saerifiee.