People have moments in their lives when they feel like they were able to perform at their best, when it mattered most. These fl eeting moments are often labeled peak experiences or optimal performances. Performance excellence captures these moments but also broadens the perspective and encapsulates performing at a consistently high level over time and enjoying the process of performance. The fi eld of sport and performance psychology (SPP) has dedicated itself to understanding what underlying mental and emotional factors contribute to a performer getting the most out of his or her ability in those important moments as well as in the moments training outside of the spotlight and developing capability. Professionals in the fi eld of SPP have developed effective and complex theoretical understandings that guide their work. These theories help consultants conceptualize and understand why performers may experience a peak performance, perform consistently well over time, and, as is bound to happen, perform less than desirably at times. They also inform and provide rationale for the use of interventions targeted at training specifi c mental skills that will help their clients perform to their highest abilities.