UP to the date of the 2nd of Aplil, 214 petitions had been presented, containing 46,047 signatures. ASSOCIATION TO PROMOTE THE EXTENSIOlli OF

WOMEN'S KNOWLEDGE OF LAW. A meeting of the Association for Promoting the Legal

Education of Womt:n was held on Wednesday, April 4th, at the Beethoven rooms, 27, Harley Street, for the purpose of receiving the rules prepared by the Provisional Committee, whose formation we recorded in our last number. The Rev. H. R. Haweis occupied the Chair, and, after some discuse:ion, the following Report presented by the Provisional Committee was adopted;-

The objects of the Association are to promote the legal education of wome.n, by providing for giving to those women who desire them, facilities of acquiring both an elementary aud an advanced knowledge of law, and by assisting them to take part in any suitable branch· of the legal profession.