POVERTY.-The poorest girls in the world are those who have never been taught to work. There are thousands of them. Rich pare~ts have petted them; they have been taught to desp18e labour and depend upon others for a living, and are perfectly helpless. If misfortune comes upon their fnends, as it often does, their case is helpless. The most forlorn and miserable women upon earth belong to this claBB. It belongs to parents to protect their daughters from this deplorable condition. They do them a great wrong if they neglect it. Every daughter should be taught to earn her own living. The rich as well as the poor require this training. The wheel of fortune rolls swiftly round, the rich are very likely to become poor and the poor rich~ Still, to labour is no disadvantage to the rich and is indispensable to the poor. Well-tcrdo parents must educate their children to work. No reform is more imperative than this.-Women'. Journal.