ASSOCIATION FOR BEFRIENDING YOUNG SERVANTS.- A very large and influential congress of ladies assembled at Willis's Rooms, on June 27th, from all parts of the United Kingdom for the purpose of discussing the best means of assisting and watching over young girls of good character, whether employed as general servants, or in any other occupation of life. Upwards of 400 ladies were present, Mrs. Townend, of Honington Hall, Shipston-on-Stour, in the chair. The annual report, read by Miss Oxenham, showed that the objects of the society were to inculcate strict morality among girls: to give help to young girls who are members, to establish a registry and home for sick members. 1'he society now numbers 15,000 members throughout the country. The proceedings concluded with the reading of papers on "Diocesan Central and Branch Organisation" by Miss Money; ''"London Business and Factory Girls," by Mrs. Papillon; "Domestic Training," by the President; and "External Co-operation, with Special Reference to the Church of England Temperance Society," by Lady Georgina Vernon.