Mr. SHRIMPTON said that the Home had originated with a conference held in November last, when fifty ladies and gentlemen met, and it was decided to establish a Home like the present for girls, which they expectedwould be a great success, and he was happy to say that they had not been mistaken. Within a radius of a quarter of a mile they could count six or seven thousand girls going daily to work, and for such a body establishments like the present were highly necessary, a fact that was proved by the numhel' of applications they had for admission. The rent ofthe Home, including rates and taxes, was £180 a year, and if they succeeded in letting the 37 beds they would have an income of £230 per annum. They were in need of pictures and books, and it would be a great advantage if they could have a . harmonium or a pianoforte. The great object was to make the girls happy and contented, and the things he had mentioned would be means to that desirable end.