482 The &cial Scieme Congre". [ .EDIUthWOlllall'IRerie" November 1$&Ja, 117 .. year the Women's Education Union has taken up the work in England, and has definitively founded a Society for the training and registration of teachers. The firSt object of the Union is doubtless to obtain good teachers for girls' schools, but the Society opens its ranks to both sexes. The scheme includes classes for general culture, study of education and practice in schools, and fina.lly an examination. As men will probablr be slow to take advantage of the help offered by the Women's Education Union, female teachers will be the first to reap the advantages offered by the new Society. But gradUally the numerous schoolS that cannot afford to compete tor the services of University graduates will perceIve that the Society's certificate offers a guarantee such as no employers have been hit.herto able to obtain in England, and will give the preference to those teachers who hold it, and thus a great work will have been initiated which it may be hoped the University will in time come forward to complete.