On the night of the 31st of October there was a hurricane from t1:i.e north.east, accompanied at the time of the tidal wave (bore) by a succession of storm waves driven from the south-west up the Titulia river and over the neighbouring land. When it is remembered that the delta of the Ganges is in this district only a few feet above the sea it will be seen that there is no protection for the villages. In places where there are no masonry houses a rush of water, estimated in various places as from 9 feet to 30 feet in height, must sweep everything before it. Complete destruction of property-houses, fruit trees, cattle and tanks, has occurred in many. villages; it is to be feared that the 1088 of life has been appalling. Of Dowlut Khau, the principal mart of Dakhiri 8hahbazpur, nothing remains but a few mounds; the raised foundation of houses. It is said that Manpura, an island with a population of 5,000, is submerged; that an officer who was sent to report upon it was unable to find it. The same story IS told of other smaller islands.