This is the title of a useful little manual of fowl keeping, in which the author, who has evident.ly, practically considered the matter, shows that poultry farming, properly managed, would be a most profitable concern. 'Ye confeE:s that the book has aroused in us a very great desire to go alld do the same-to illvest in Brahm.as and Crevecoours, hire a small farm, and try if we cannot also make it pleasant and profitable. But our chief reason for speaking of the bOok here, is the suggestion that people of very limited incomes might, by care and attention, find considerable advantage in it. According to Stephen's" Book of the Farm," "women only, in a farmer'~ estimation, are fit for such. a chat'ge, and doubtless they are the best., and would do it well, were they not begrudged of every particle of good fuod they may bestow upon poultry." ¥le have elsewhere heard it suggest.ed that as the eggs and chickens were preeminently the perquisites of the women of the family, it was not thought wort.h while by any farmer to incur an outlay towards making them profitable. We would gladly believe that the author of this manual is a lady who has found out a new trade in which women may profitabJ, engage. A widow and her daughters, or two sisters hving in the country, might, at very small expenee, begin poultry farming 011 a small scale, to be

1876]. 69 enIal'ged as their experience or their market suggested. In the neighbourhood of our large towns, they would have no difficulty in disposing of their surplus stock, and the amplest directions for the management of fo~ls, now 80 little understood, may be found in this volume, which we cordially recommend to any ladies willing to try the experiment.