HOSPITAL FOR WO~lEN, 222, 1I1ARYLEBOXE ROAD. THE Fourth Annual Report announces that the beginning of 1875 saw the new hospital burdened with a debt of £500, but that this debt 18 now paid off, and the Committee has moreover been able to invest a further sum of £35 in the purchase of the lease of an adjoining house, No. 220, :Marylebone Road. The Committee have no immediate inteution of adding to the number of beds in the hospital, and propose sub-letting the new house for a tim~, In view, however, of the 1'apid development of the hospital since it was started, it was thouglit wise to secure the opportunity for its extension. The number of in-patients received during the past year was 194; out-patients made 7,946 visits to th~ hospital. The working staff of the hospital has this year been increased. It has hitherto consisted of two ladies, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Hoggan; to them has now been joined Mrs. Atkins. Mrs. Atkins received the M.D. degree at Zurich in 1872, and since that date she has enjoyed special opportunities of gainin~ experience as the. resident house-surgeon of the \\ omen's Hospital, Birmingham. Another change has been the appointment of a lady as resident pupil; . ladies who are waiting tor the final examination for the M.D. degree at Paris, where the cuniculum of study is long, and examinations numerous, are qualified to fill this post. Miss Anna Dahms was the first l'esident student; she has been succeeded by Miss Rorison, a student who has completed her medical curriculum, and who is waitin~ in the hope of some one of the English medical examinatloDi

Election of a Lady Candidate for tlte OjJice of Guardian Df the Poor.-1'wo ladies ca.ndidates for seats at the St. Paneras Guardian Board. In No.8, or Gray's-inn-l'oad \V ard, Miss Margaret Collett, of No. 22, Upper Woburn pla.ce, "geutlewoman," Secretary of the Charity Organisation Society, has just been returned at the top of the poll. In No. 1, or Kelltish-town \Vard, Mrs. Amelia. Howell, of 12, St. John's-gardens, Ha.vel·stock-hill, received a large number of votes, but neverth~less, has not been elected. The importance of having wdl-qualified women iu this office cannot be over-estimated.