Since the globalised production and operations produced the so-called ‘manufactured risk’, effective implementation of sustainable business performance measures has become one of the most important factors facing the organisation and the supply chain. The changing environment and interrelationship across the flight catering supply chain made it more complicated for this industry than for many other industries to deal with any relevant issues in a reactive, contributive, and proactive way. Hence, this chapter draws attention to the lifelong learning approach to flight catering at the organisational and supply chain level. Importantly, the application of “a learning organisation and supply chain” was considered for the implementation of lifelong learning policies for a sustainable flight catering supply chain. While this approach requires a multiple stakeholder perspective consisting of key stakeholders (airline, caterer, supplier, and logistics company) and additional interest groups (e.g., government, civil society, and international bodies), the chapter provides some strategies for lifelong learning education and training in flight catering, that is, consideration of audience (whom to educate), content (what to educate), and context (in what conditions).