Gendered and feminist analyses offer valuable perspectives on the entanglements of work, political economy and climate change. This chapter proposes an intersectional approach to the labour politics of climate change which takes nonhuman animals and human-animal relations seriously. Humane jobs are a response to human–animal harm, and an opportunity to envision and foster more positive political economic relations and multispecies experiences. Feminist approaches to labour-climate politics begin down a better path by highlighting unevenness and gendered inequities which can be reproduced or transcended. The expansion and creation of humane jobs would help move the labour force away from damaging and unsustainable labour practices, towards more positive, beneficial work. Humane jobs could offer new areas of paid work for those who experience jobs loss as polluting industries are eliminated, and for those who are currently unemployed or underemployed. The prospects for linking human and animal well-being ought to be interconnected; one group must suffer in order for the other to thrive.