The theme developed in Aarhus was the changing power of silver as it moved from the display economy into the bullion economy. Gamesters' approach to the classification of the Viking-Age hoards from two different parts of Scandinavia differs somewhat from Sheehan's in being based on a division of the silver in four categories: coins, bars and ingots, hack-silver, personal ornaments. Indeed, Gaimster makes the point that the Icelandic law on blood-money, Baugatal, translates literally as the counting of rings. The overall concept of a display economy accords well with what Birgitta Hrdh, writing of Western Norway, has described elsewhere as: a system where silver had a social function. In particular, Peter Sawyer suggested that the rarity of English and Frankish coins in ninth-century Scandinavia was because the raiders did not take their winnings home, but rather used them as a sort of capital with which to settle.