A great stela once stood in front of the left-hand pylon at the Temple of Amun at Karnak. At the top of the stela, Tutankhamun, identified by his official praise names, makes offerings to Amun and his wife, the mother goddess Mut. Queen Ankhesenamun stands behind him. A thirty-line inscription below the pharaoh states that he restored everything that was ruined, to be a monument for ever and ever. A revealing statement follows: He has vanquished chaos from the whole land and has restored Ma'at to her place the whole land being made as it was at the time of creation. The events of Tutankhamun's reign are a ghostly palimpsest of incomplete inscriptions, a few scattered artifacts like ring bezels and molds found bearing his name at Akhetaten, and a scatter of artifacts from the Malqata palace near Thebes, where the king apparently spent periods of time. If he was like other pharaohs, he was constantly on the move.