Wow, John. Your account was most moving. I will print a copy and add it to the collection of things that we are going to place in Charlie’s coffi n when we send him on his way. Thanks so much, John. Love,Ilca

From: jstanfi e@indiana.edu To: moskosi@hotmail.com CC: mail@petermoskos.com; andrew@boomchicago.nl Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 07:05:55 -0400 Subject: RES: Charlie’s transition ok Ilca,

I was waiting and praying your response. You know if you had said “please come” I would walk all the way to Chicago, even on water to be there. And you know that I am always here for you like your other two sons. I received the news when I had dashed back to my apartment after spending a couple of hours on the PUC-Rio campus meeting with my undergraduate research assistant and with my Afro-Brazilian Sociology graduate student, who knows so little English and I, so little Portuguese that we communicate through Google Translator. As I was rushing home as fast as the wild bus ride would take me, I was thinking why it was that I took three afternoon hours out of my research and writing time to take the trouble of taking the bus through such hassling rush hour traffi c to spend time with students when I could have just communicated with them by way of email.