This chapter begins by reviewing selected learner support frameworks in distance education to determine types of learner support that should be designed for online learners. It focuses on learner support from a culturally inclusive perspective, framing learner support as the types of assistance leaners need to negotiate cultural spaces within an online learning transaction. Recognizing the holistic nature of a distance learner's experience, Tait developed a learner support framework with three main interdependent functions: "cognitive," "affective," and "systemic," which together could create a learning environment conducive to making learners feel at home and valued. Online learners negotiate many types of cultural spaces in a learning transaction and, therefore, framing learner support as assistance needed for negotiating cultural spaces is a useful way to conceptualize learner support. Identity negotiation spaces personify how individuals perceive themselves in relation to one another and society. Learners bring different levels of prior knowledge, skills, and experience to a learning environment.