Journalism as a profession and as practice is undergoing a fundamental change in terms of power, technology, economy, and identity. In all the Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) countries, media organizations have replaced permanent employment contracts with fixed-term or short-term contracts. Journalists are not only seeking employment in the traditional media but are also looking for self-employment or new forms of entrepreneurship. The BRICS journalists had very similar reasons for satisfaction in their work: the high ideals of the profession, freedom, creativity, self-realization, professionalism, serving society, and moral rewards such as acknowledgment by colleagues and gratitude of readers. Satisfaction also came from the recognition these journalists received for quality work apart from the money and the promise of a good future in the profession. The narratives of the BRICS journalists about their satisfaction and dissatisfaction with their current jobs were indirect evidence of the present quality of life and conditions for journalistic work in their respective countries.