In order to isolate the aspect of pragmatism Scheler seeks to retain in his own thought, it is necessary to briefly sketch the early history of the reception of pragmatism in Germany and Scheler's own reflections regarding pragmatism that spanned almost twenty years. Much of the attention has been placed on Scheler's critique of pragmatism. This chapter shows that pragmatism had a significant and lasting influence on the development of Scheler's thought. Pragmatism may have a limited philosophical horizon, but it does demonstrate, despite its intentions to the contrary, how the practical life contributes in a wholly unique and irreplaceable manner to the contemplation of the world. The chapter also shows that how Erkenntnis und Arbeit in particular clarifies how Scheler's reading of pragmatism led him to rethink the foundational role practical knowledge has for all subsequent types of knowledge and the unique insights gained through practical engagement with the world.