The Texas Revolution, which began in the fall of 1835, was similar in many respects to other revolutions of modern times. There was uncertainty in the beginning about the goal whether the fighting was for independence or for a more democratic government of Mexico. The Consultation of delegates from the ayuntamientos had been called to meet on October 15, 1835, but events outran the plans. In September, General Martn Cs landed with 500 troops on the Texas coast. Meanwhile, Colonel Domingo de Ugartechea, commander of forces in San Antonio, sent a small detachment to Gonzales to retrieve cannon that had been provided to the town about four years earlier. Alcalde Andrew Ponton hid the cannon, told the military authorities he had no authority to give it up, and sent out a call for help. Some Texans on their way to intercept General Cs heard the news from Ponton and turned aside to Gonzales.