The household's total annual consumption for their car travel will be 230 litres of petrol and 342 litres of ethanol. In 1973, the transportation sector worldwide used 45 per cent of oil production, with around a further 20 per cent used by industries, but by 2012, the share of oil demand for transportation had increased to 64 per cent. Transport represented 23.3 per cent of global CO2 emissions in 2005, and road transport formed by far the largest part of this at 17 per cent, with the remainder divided between shipping, aviation and all other modes. Bicycles are widely promoted as a mode of transport. The problem with public transport vehicles is that fuel consumption per passenger-kilometre will vary depending on how many passengers are on the bus. Increasingly, goods move long distances. By 2050, biofuels could be providing 27 per cent of total transport fuels at little or no additional cost while avoiding 2.1 gigatonnes of CO2 emissions annually.