This chapter describes the daily life of people, such as, house, transport, food, leisure, and energy, in different places in Asia and explains the environmental impact of these ways of living from the perspective of ecological and carbon footprints. The different places include Khajuraho, Kendeng Mountains, Nagoya, Penang, Ulaanbaatur, and Lake Inle. The continent contains 48 countries, with Russia and Turkey both lying partly in Asia and partly in Europe. The overall population of Asia is 4.4 billion, or just under 60 per cent of all the people on earth. In 2008, Asia was already in biological capacity deficit with an average ecological footprint (EF) of 1.6 gha/person, which was almost twice the available biocapacity of 0.9 gha/person. Asian EFs, using Global Footprint Network data from 2012, range from very high, high, above fair earth share and below fair earth share.