Global Synergy is a modularised course designed for local Japanese and international exchange students at public and private Japanese universities. Global Synergy's four-scale competency framework is taught through an integrated systems formula that combines four intelligences: emotional, social, cultural, global. Developing students' competence to integrate these four intelligences increases capacity for human synergy through the next stage of globalisation and into the twenty-second century. The EQ-SQ-CQ-GQ intercultural competence framework draws on disciplines relevant within and between each of the four scales: neurophysiology, social psychology, sociology, comparative psychology, cultural anthropology, comparative epigenetics, organisational behaviour, management and business, critical theory and philosophy. Each Global Synergy module flows through the awareness, skills, knowledge (ASK) cycle, which combines Thomas and Inkson's definition of cultural intelligence with Thunderbird's three types of global mindset capital, Kolb's four learning cycles (abstract conceptualisation, concrete experience, reflective observation, and active experimentation) and PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Adjust).