The course entitled Globalization, Citizenship and Intercultural Competence: An Interdisciplinary Approach for a Cosmopolitan Citizenship reflects the commitment with social justice, core to the University of Deusto's mission and identity. Aimed at helping students become interculturally competent professionals and citizens, the course comprises three units: globalisation; migration and human rights; and intercultural dialogue and intercultural competence. Cultural awareness comprises awareness of oneself and of oneself in relation to others. The teaching and learning approach is based in part on the proposals of Deardorff and Boecker and Ulama, which highlight the importance of the attitudinal component. Formative assessment in the form of peer and facilitator feedback as well as reflection on one's own learning is part of most of the learning activities. The participatory methodology helps students become lifelong students. Strategies used include presentation of new contents through analysis of readings, personal reflection, and problem-solving.