This chapter presents an overview of the 2 × 2 model of perfectionism that is based on a bidimensional conceptualization of perfectionism that differentiates personal standards perfectionism (PSP) and evaluative concerns perfectionism (ECP). Individuals with mixed perfectionism tend to set and strive toward the attainment of outstandingly high standards of perfectionism and flawlessness because of the personal importance and valuation attached to these standards. Perfectionism research has flourished and researchers have studied an extended list of dependent variables. The chapter reviews the evidence for the associations of subtypes of perfectionism with psychological adjustment, psychological maladjustment, and achievement-related outcomes. It also reviews the associations between subtypes of perfectionism and various indicators of well-being. Self-worth, self-esteem, and self-concept have been related to a myriad of good life outcomes. Mental representations of perfectionism are inherently tied to and developed through social interactions and expectations. The chapter then reviews the associations between subtypes of perfectionism and two motivational processes, emotion regulation, and coping processes.