In the Child-Teacher Relationship Training (CTRT) model, teachers are taught basic Child-Centered Play Therapy skills and relationship-building skills in order to help teachers meet the various emotional and behavioral needs of children ages Pre-K through early elementary school. The catalyst for the development of CTRT was the growing realization that a positive Child-Teacher relationship can have a multitude of benefits for both the young child and for the professional teacher. However, if additional qualified professionals are available, dividing up the responsibilities of training, supervision, and general logistics would be helpful. Also consider teachers’ classroom schedules, space for play sessions, and space for weekly CTRT supervision meetings while planning. Staff meetings and teacher in-service days are good opportunities to discuss CTRT with possible participants. An essential goal of CTRT training is that teachers will begin to understand CTRT is a philosophy of working with and understanding children and not simply a collection of tools and strategies.