Malays believe that human beings are composed of more than thinking minds, mortal bodies, and souls that live on in Heaven or Hell. The Malays believe that most illnesses result from a humoral imbalance, and treat them with herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, thermal treatments, blood letting, and massage. The music of the seance ends in the tonal center of its beginning, relaxing from the emotional and tonal high attainted by a forsaken spirit. It moves from the driving sixteenth-note beat found in the sobbing spirit's song, to stately quarter-note beats accompanying the song of Prince Potent Cure, the personification of shamanistic healing. The shamanistic ritual, the unsaid becomes the said, the intangible and inaudible take on form and sound, the chaotic becomes controlled. Apart from performances and ceremonial occasions Malay neighbors play any musical instrument and rarely hard them whistle or sing.