This fascinating chapter summarizes the development of the Lyceum Art Therapy Training Program from its beginnings in Turin with Dr Bortino, Edith Kramer, Laurie Wilson, and NYU, to its current location in Milan. Lyceum builds on the legacies of Edith Kramer and Friedl Dicker-Brandeis. The training program is dedicated to these pioneering figures, and during the classes, students pay particular attention to their riveting biographies. We learn about the two tracts for the Lyceum program: a two-year tract and a three-year, more clinical tract. Both tracts are a pleasure to read about, with descriptions of wonderful sounding internships, to “Riding funny, colorful bicycles, experts go into the public gardens of Milan with paintbrushes, colored papers, and art media in their bike baskets” where free, multi-generational art making happens. The chapter explains the importance of internalizing good role models and sharing in a legacy, from Friedl to Edith to us. The chapter ends with a very moving tribute that takes place in Austria. During the school year the students keep a journal, some using it to create their inner Kramer, beginning each journal entry with “Dear Edith.” When the school heard of Edith’s passing they began receiving artwork and Dear Edith letters from students and graduates. They created a container for these tributes and it was placed in Edith’s grave as part of the burial ritual.