This chapter discusses with employees at the companies involved in the public-private partnership Kvillebäcken Consortium three from the municipal developer, one from each of the six private construction companies, and one from the marketing company. It has been written as part of the research project Stadsomvandling som City branding, gentrifiering och upplevelsedesign. The chapter focuses on the methodological challenges that accompany the ambition to conceptualize this type of consensus-oriented political culture. It uses the concept of the hegemonic gaze, which refers how the Gustaf Dalén area in practice has been looked upon within the hegemonic discourse. Discourse analysis focuses on texts and transcribed conversations, but the author highlight that discourses work through all our senses and shape how people experience the world. The chapter follows Olshammar and call it the Gustaf Dalén area, referring to the street that runs through it and makes up about one fifth of Kvillebäcken.