AUING euer since I could conceiue of any thing bene delighted with the discoueries of nauigation, I fostered in my selfe that disposition till I was of more yeres and better ability to vndertake such a matter. To this purpose I called to me the aduise of sufficient seamen, and principally vndertooke a voyage for the South Seas; but, by reason that many before had miscaried in the same enterprise, I could not · be suffered to hazard more of her Maiesties subiects vpon so vncerteine a ground as my desire, which made me by constraint (great charges already by me defrayed) to prepare another course for the \Vest Indies, without hope there to doe any thing woorth ·note, and so common is it indeed to many as it is not woorth the registring. Neuerthelesse, I haue yeelded to your former importunity, and sent you this my iournall to supply a vacant roome amongst your more important discourses.