This chapter attempts to identify and examines some of the important elements of this relationship, and to analyse how the state has influenced, and in turn has been influenced by, Lesbian and Gay (LG) activism in India. Lesbian and gay activism in India has become an increasingly important and visible part of the country's sociopolitical fabric over the last few years. Lesbian and gay activist groups have been increasingly collaborating with international Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender LGBT rights activists and advocacy groups, thereby enhancing their international presence as well as finding support from activists internationally. A number of these alliances and exchanges have become possible through internet-based groups, mailing lists, and training programs such as Asia Pacific Rainbow and Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Institute (SOGI). At the international level, coalitions such as the Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM), or the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) have assisted in bringing more attention to LGBT rights issues.