The last decade has seen a flurry of activity in academic and business circles on the topic of meaningful work. Several studies have explored the meaning of work (Ardichvili & Kuchinke, 2009; Flesher, 2009; Kuchinke, 2009). Both callings (Dik, Duffy & Eldridge, 2009) and sensemaking in the workplace (Wrzesniewski, Dutton & Debebe, 2003) have been explored. Forms of leadership (Lawler, 2005; Luthans & Avolio, 2003) and leadership communication (Ashman & Lawler, 2008) have been inspired by existential psychology and other meaning-based areas of inquiry. The growing interest in meaningful work has prompted several recent literature reviews on the topic (Rosso, Dekas & Wrzesniewski, 2010; Steger & Dik, 2005).