The Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan is a newcomer to the assembly of countries that have seen significant expansion of provisions for early childhood education (ECE) through government investments, private enterprise, and support from international nongovernmental organizations. This chapter describes the emergence of the early childhood care and development (ECCD) sector in Bhutan, in which government-funded, center-based early learning programs are the focal point. It explains how the unique national policy of gross national happiness has influenced the pace and direction of ECCD sector growth and common curriculum elements. Pointing to a 2011 national study, the chapter traces expansion from a handful of pilot programs a decade ago to 251 preschool programs in which 17 percent of the country’s young children are enrolled. It provides an overview of an inaugural ECE teacher training program recently launched by one of the country’s teacher training colleges with the intention to begin to develop a cadre of professionals to lead the field.