This chapter focuses on sexual orientation and gender identity and their relationship with religion and spirituality. It considers other identities such as age, ethnicity, race, ability and socio-economic status. Social workers must be competent at conducting a comprehensive assessment with clients that includes all of these factors. At the mezzo and macro levels, social workers must also be proactive in attending to current laws and policies that examine religious freedom and non-discrimination. The intersectionality of religion, spirituality and faith with LGBTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning) identities has had a rocky relationship within many mainstream religions. Some formal religious traditions have embraced new scientific knowledge about sexual orientation and gender identity. Integrating one's faith and LGBTQIA identity poses challenges, but can also present opportunities for integration of self and spiritual growth. Social workers can advocate for ways that permit the free exercise of religion while also protecting vulnerable groups such as LGBTQIA people.