Crowdsourcing is conceived as an evolution of traditional outsourcing, which considers the participation of a broad range of stakeholders and other people through the internet, as critical elements to improve the different tasks of organizations. This chapter discusses the importance of crowdsourcing activities to improve the competitiveness of businesses and destinations. It focuses on its importance and use in the travel, tourism and hospitality industry as a critical technique which can transform the conception of the businesses, and also the reality of these sectors. The chapter considers the definition, the benefits and the disadvantages of crowdsourcing in the literature, and analyzes its implementation. The crowdsourcing project is developed through a process with four dimensions: pre-selection of contributors, accessibility of peer contributions, aggregation of contributions, and remuneration for contributors. The chapter presents three specific crowdsourcing cases: Benidorm, Buggl, and Freehand Miami. The chapter concludes by identifying the implications and limitations of the studies.