Augmented reality and augmented spaces are not novelties in human history. Religion, magic, metaphysics and art have always provided means for augmenting the immediate material worlds of our existence. However, when it comes to understanding and managing today's augmented space, many studies show that proactive planning initiatives related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), tend to appeal to the ill-grounded utopianism of technological deterministic approaches. The ubiquity of ICTs and the parallel development of transportation links constitute technological changes that have served to minimize the frictional effects of distance and physical dislocation. What makes cities even more augmented than ever is the profound pervasiveness of ICTs. Planners and city-makers do not look specifically close to these developments in terms of space, time and technology. There seems to be a certain incompatibility between the real ways in which space is evolving and being socially constructed and the ways in which it is being understood and assessed by planners and local authorities.