This chapter refers to the different forms taken by the processes of ethnic identity formation of the Qom, who settled in the Argentine city of Rosario, Rosario has approximately a population of 1,200,000 inhabitants living in an area of 172 square kilometres. It reflects critically on this concept, contrasting it to the concept of pluri-culturalism. Kymlicka contends that the concept of multiculturalism is defined by the ethnic mark and that as a consequence it is only applicable to ethnic groups. The ancestral view of the world of the Qom is articulated through a hierarchical organization of powers, the balance of which guarantees the existence of an ecologic system that includes men, animals, plants and atmospheric phenomena. The conditions of the Toba families settled in Rosario which we have analysed here is one of many examples of the dynamics pertaining the new aboriginal settlements in large Latin-American cities.