This chapter examines post-car mobilities, or life beyond the car, as an assemblage system shift, knowing how linear transitions rarely account for major social and lifestyle upheavals. It uses a framework of complex systems theory to assess the current state of automobility, as one possible mobility-system, and to project its future. The system of automobility stems from the path-dependent pattern laid down in the 1890s. A variation on the hybrid-electric vehicle (HEV) that is gaining favour is the 'plug-in hybrid' car, referred to as Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV). The current structure of the car system is remarkably stable and unchanging, and supported through a huge economic, social and technological maelstrom of vested interests, agents and interrelated flows. The deprivatization of the car through extensive car-sharing, car clubs, and car-hire schemes; and multi-modal transport policy away from predict and provide models.