This chapter aims to briefly analyse the reasons that drove the Brazilian government to adopt a centralised model, to illustrate its evolution and concepts from 1941 until the current day, and to examine changes implemented in 1967 and 1999. Another objective is to compare well-known models in Western countries like Europe (Eurocontrol) and United States (Federal Aviation Administration [FAA]). Eurocontrol, the FAA, and the NATS highlight the separation that marks the management of air defence and ATC. Those models clearly show a separation between military and civilian affairs. The chapter summarises the history of the MAER and the influence of the Italian theorist Giulio Douhet on the Brazilian model of Air Space Control. The Brazilian model entails the integration and coordination between two systems: the SISDABRA and the SISCEAB, with the first being a central body for the Brazilian COMDABRA and the second the DECEA, both belonging to COMAER.