Educational exclusion is one of the layers of social exclusion impacting dramatically on our society. Dropping out of schools is a manifestation of an uncomfortable situation and a reaction, in many cases, to exclusion. To resolve the issue of exclusion in Irish schools, there is urgent need for support programmes and a change of perspectives which encourage more social inclusion. Social inclusion and exclusion are usually based on values, beliefs, lifestyles, experiences, and expectations. The role performed by the Catholic Church in setting up educational institutions is remarkable and should be appreciated. The importance of education lies in the fact that it impacts not only on individuals, but also on society as a whole. Schools should explore ways to identify and tackle reasons for educational underachievement. This can be done by evaluating eligibility for special education services, supporting student's social, emotional, and behavioural health, enhancing home-school collaboration, making referrals, and helping co-ordinate community support services.