The ultra-catholic faction at court prepared a carrousel to solemnise the union with due magnificence. Deriving from the tournament, the carrousel was an aristocratic mode of divertissement, although the aesthetics of the carrousel were in ways different from other forms of sport. This chapter summarizes the carrousel involves the entry of various squadrons of knights, defenders and assailants who confront each other in twos after one of the defenders has presented his challenge to his opponents. The Novel of the Knights of Glory, composed by François de Rosset for the carrousel performed on the Place Royale for the wedding of the late king. The famous biographer, physician and chronicler of the city of Como, Paolo Giovio, author of the posthumous Dialogo delle imprese militare et amorose, had provided in this work the first treatise on devices. The device owes its origin to the chivalric battle cry, and it remained a means of preserving honour and the memory of the illustrious.