This chapter provides answers to the possible reasons for one such gap in the literature the relative dearth of research into bias in travel demand forecasts. The travel demand forecasting methodology widely used throughout the world today was developed in the United States in the mid-20th century. Research and anecdotal evidence suggest six issues related to the dearth of research on the extent of bias in travel demand forecasts and the origin of such bias: impropriety, methodology, public perception, misunderstanding, impatience and complacency. Transportation scholars that compete for the research dollars that the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) controls have considerably less influence with the agency. According the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is service to the public interest an idea far too nebulous at this point to provide an identity. Finally, the profession and the academy need to drastically change the incentive system for those working on planning research.