Christa H. was seven years old when in August 1944 she was admitted to the Youth Psychiatric Clinic in Loben for psychological examination. Her medical history informs that she was the oldest of four children of mentally deficient parents and was both mentally and physically underdeveloped. In spring 1939 a cabal of officials from Hitler's Chancellery: Viktor Brack, Hans Hefelman and Richard von Hegener worked out the procedure of the implementation of systematic killings of children with various disabilities, the programme which became known as "children's euthanasia". The killing of children continued and the years 1941-43 saw the proliferation of special youth psychiatric care units, including the one in Loben. Based on the results of psychological tests and a few-weeks' observation in the Youth Psychiatric Clinic, Dr. Hecker reported children to the Reich Committee and ordered their prior transfer to Kinderpflegestation.