Gunnar Olsson is a critical social scientist focused on the invisible glue that keeps individual and society together and apart. All knowledge begins, but Geographer Olsson rejects a simplistic reasoning from form to process, even though he quotes Edward Casey: 'There is no creation without place'. The rationale through Gunnar's own words and author's recollections of our encounters in person, in print, and imagined. Leaving aside Farinelli's undisputed wisdom, this is a curiously depressing admission, especially given lists of indebtedness to geographical friends and colleagues that invariably decorate Olsson's books. Gunnar describes a period and a project that brought him 'some of the best moments of my life'. Gunnar Olsson has learned many languages, spoken in many tongues, and moved freely among myriad schools of thought and modes of expression. His polyvocality has taken in the visual and the mathematical, the spiritual and scientific, and the fragmented and formalistic.