This chapter illustrates how the reframed Research Universities can indeed grow through a process of self-organisational-societal-development. It introduces the natural evolutionary path points towards such a fundamental reinvention of an educational entity. A reframed Research University focuses on scholarship, education, and research and knowledge creation aiming, simultaneously, for social and technological innovation. Mondragon Corporation and Mondragon University in Spain, we retrospectively illustrate the full four-level process. The chapter identifies Mondragon University as a renewed version of a Research University for its explicit integration of 'Southern', 'Eastern', 'Northern' and 'Western' aspects, with the 'Northern' dimension. One university that founds being resonant with and supportive of our work, as well as open for co-evolution, was the South African Da Vinci Institute. The new South Africa was born; President Nelson Mandela takes a trip to Europe and America, with a group of educators including Roy Marcus, who was to become the founder of the Da Vinci Institute in South Africa.